Ignoring Aging and Long-Term Care Challenges Adversely Impacts Family and Finances

Signs of aging are all around us.

We see grand openings for new assisted living facilities, adult daycare centers, and nursing homes. We are exposed to TV and radio commercials for home health care agency services. Yet, often we ignore our own risk of needing future extended care.

The consequences of ignoring this reality will place challenges on our families and finances.

“Too many American families don’t address long-term care until it happens. Illness, accident or the impact of longevity are some of the many reasons people require long-term care. This creates a crisis for the family,” said Matt McCann, a nationally known expert on long-term care planning. “Loved ones become caregivers or start selling assets to pay for care. Paid care adversely impacts income and legacy. There is a better solution.”

It is not uncommon for people to think they will never need care even though they acknowledge others need for care.

“Denial is common. We think because we are healthy today we will never require long-term care. Addressing the financial costs and burdens of aging is an essential part of retirement planning. But a plan for long-term care is more than just about money. It is about family too.”

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance, according to McCann, provides access to quality care in addition to asset protection. Long-Term Care Insurance is easy, affordable, and rate stable income and asset protection.

“Long-Term Care Insurance is custom designed. Premiums are based on your age, health, family history, and other factors including the amount of benefits you purchase. A long-term care specialist should be sought to help you find the best coverage at the best value,” McCann explained.

McCann, licensed nationwide, has a unique process which allows an individual or couple to view McCann’s computer screen on their own computer while speaking to him on the phone. It’s an easy and pressure-free way to learn and compare all the options from all the companies.

McCann recommends several online resources to assist in your research. LTC News offers news and resources to help educate yourself on the issues and solutions: https://www.ltcnews.com/resources

The US Department of Health and Human Services has an official long-term care site: https://longtermcare.acl.gov/

You can obtain free Long-Term Care Insurance Quotes from major insurance companies at: www.quoteonltc.com

McCann’s website also features extensive resource information which help you learn about your options.

McCann Insurance Services: 866.751.7957: www.mccannltc.net